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An Interesting Question – and a surprise visitor

Tuesday 8th March  and I was on my way to Perth to visit S1 classes in Perth Academy. As I was waiting to begin a boy from another class was sitting in the library and watched me putting up a display of my books.

Don’t you get bored just sitting writing? he asked me.

I thought this was a very reasonable question especially if you have yet to discover the excitement of creating your own world in a story.

So what did I answer?

I told him that for me writing my books is like when you are watching an exciting film and you feel like you are one of the characters, scared one moment and desperate to find out what is going to happen the next.  Because when I write I can see the story playing out in my head, almost like watching it as a film,

Quite often I am not quite sure what is going to happen next.   But if iI know my characters well enough they take over and the story rushes on, so I have no time to get bored.

ON the following day I was back with little ones again, at Coaltown of Balgonie Primary School  telling stories of Hamish McHaggis who delighted the children by popping in to say hello!

There were lots of questions and the children waited very patiently and came out to speak to me as I signed the books they had bought.

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