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World Book Day celebrations

Already we are almost in March and that means World Book Day. It is wonderful that there is so much enthusiasm around the next few weeks to celebrate booksWBD logo 10 WWW_RGB and words of all kinds.

I will be in Gullane Library, East Lothian, on Monday 1st march with classes P5-7 from Dirleton Primary school.  On Wednesday I’m off to Dunfermline High School for their WBD celebrations, speaking to S1 about SPIDER and telling them about my new book, DEAD BOY TALKING which is out in June this year.

After this I am heading further north (hopefully there won’t be too much snow) to  to Speak to Kingswells Primary school, Aberdeen, about HAMISH McHAGGIS, (Hamish himself may just make an appearance) GREYFRIARS BOBBY and THE TROJAN HORSE AND OTHER GREEK MYTHS.

Still in Aberdeen I am visiting the Central Library on Friday 5th March to speak to some invited schools about HAMISH.

So a busy start to the month.  Later on in March I will be focusing on adult creative writing , again in the north around Turriff, and then in East Lothian’s Port Seton Library, but more on that soon.

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