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Back to my desk

Getting back to my desk I feel the urge to spring clean my desk and my computer files and start with everything cleared away.  April is that kind of month for me and I have a much less punishing schedule in the next couple of months  and I plan to keep it that way for a while to allow me more time to write. But I am not sure if that will actually happen because there are some very exciting things planned with the publication of my new book DEAD BOY TALKING in JUNE.  More about this very soon!

Greenfaulds High School

March was very busy with lots of  school visits right up to the last week when I was visiting all ages, from tots to teens during the Craigmillar Book Festival, speaking to adult writers in Port Seton, East Lothian and a last minute invitation to North Lanarkshire’s St Margaret’s High school and Greenfaulds High School.

Grenfaulds High School

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