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ABBA Litfest – Online-so it’s not too late to visit!

ON the weekend of 9th and 10th July 2011 a new Literary festival was born the



This, the first-ever online children’s book festival has been a huge success and the best news of all is that it is still going on at ABBA the AWFULLY BIG BLOG ADVENTURE

Over the weekend there were 40 blog posts a variety of  videos, fascinating blogs and competitions, some of which are still running until 20th July, so get on down there and win yourself a book or book-related goodies!

Cathy MacPhail and I got together to produce a video see below, (that was a first for both of us!) chatting about the fabulous week we enjoyed as tutors on an ARVON Foundation writing course Writing for Children .



Linda Strachan and Cathy MacPhail on Arvon Writing Course





Don’t miss
John Dougherty’sfabulous musical tribute to ABBA.  So get on down there and be a part of the latest Awfully big blog adventure.


A huge vote of thanks to the hardworking authors who made it such a success, Elen Caldecott,  Sam Mills and Lucy Coats.


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