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Variety – The Spice of a writer’s life!

In the last three weeks I have been talking to children in a nursery school, all ages of primary schools, some teenagers, some young offenders.and also adult writing groups.

I have travelled around the country in all kinds of weather and managed to get some writing done, too, at least making a start on my new teenage novel, although not as much of a start as I would have liked.  It keeps me on my toes moving from picture books to novel and back again.

In between all this rushing around there have been some slightly bizarre happenings.  At the moment we are in the midst of converting a vehicle into hamish McHaggis’s home made car, the Whirry Bang, and a talented lady called Anna is busy constructing a life size Hamish suit.  These will soon be appearing around the country at special events after the latest Hamish McHaggis book comes out in April.

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