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Teen Titles

The wonderful people at Teen Titles magazine held their annual get together in a new venue at the top of the High Street, this year.
The school librarians bring their young reviewers along to celebrate the work they have done for the magazine, and to meet up with some of the YA authors whose books they might have reviewed

With Claire, Jennifer, Sarah S, and Sarah W, from Liberton High


I met up with some of the boys and girls from Liberton High School who I had spoken to when I visited the school, Jennifer, Claire, and the two Sarahs, and a little later I had an interesting conversation with John Paul, also from Liberton High, and some lovely reviewers from Gracemount High school.

It was great to get their views on some a couple of images for the cover of my new book DON’T JUDGE ME.

Here are some of the other authors at the event,

It was lovely to catch up with Teresa Flavin and to meet Kate Harrison, Jane McLoughlin and Elizabeth Wein.  Also there were Roy Gill, Keith Gray and John Fardell.

You can find out more about Teen Titles here


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