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Catching up!

Last week I was taking part in the Big Fife Book Festival starting on Sunday, 12th September,  with the  Dunfermline Family Book Carnival in  Pittencrieff Park in Dunfermline. It was such a beautiful day that I ended up doing my Hamish McHaggis event in the  open air.  Hamish came along to say hello to the children and we all had a lovely time!

On Monday I was visiting St James Primary School  in Penicuik Where I spoke to Primary 1 and 2 in the morning and to the nursery children in the afternoon. We had a lot of fun with colours and animals and the story of Small Smooth and Grey in  What Colour is Love?

I was well looked after by the lovely Fife librarians for the next three days all part of the Fife Book Festival.

On Wednesday I was in Kirkland High School in Leven to meet a large audience of Primary children

In the afternoon I spoke to the top of the high school S4-S6 about Dead Boy Talking and Spider .

On Thursday  I spent the morning in Kirkcaldy West Primary and in the afternoon I visited Benarty primary in Balingry.

On Friday I had my biggest audience when I had sold out the Carnegie Hall with 500 children all between 4 and 7 years old.  It was great fun but I have to admit that when Hamish McHaggis himself made an appearance he definitely stole the show!

Not surprising, he is very cuddly!

On Friday afternoon I was visiting Kindcardine Primary school who are presently in temporary accommodation because their school had been on fire. But the teachers were doing a great job and some classes were housed in a  converted part of the local community centre for the time being.  We had a lovely afternoon there and Hamish decided to call in to wish them well, too.

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