Great schools event at EIBF with over 90 children from Pentland Primary School nd a lovely group from New Town Nursery. They heard all about Hamish McHaggis and the Skirmish at Stirling, and asked some great questions.
This event was to have been a joint event with the lovely sally J Collins, Illustrator of Hamish Mchaggis who sadly passed away in July this year. But the children enjoyed the story and as always Sally’s lovely pictures delighted them!
This is a glorious time to be in Edinburgh, the city is full of colour and visitors, thousands of shows with something for every taste and every age. The streets buzz with excitement. Tourists and performers from all over the globe mingle with locals, and even the air has a continental scent.
My favourite place in Edinburgh during August is Charlotte Square Gardens where the Edinburgh International Book Festival gets underway on 9th August in a magnificent tented village at one end of George Street in the heart of the city.
I am going to be there for two events, one with Hamish McHaggis is for Schools only.
But at 7pm on Sat 23rd August 2014 Laura Jarrett and I will be speaking to Julia Eccleshare about our books Louder than Words and Don’t Judge Me in an event called Motive and Intention
So do come along and ask us some questions!
Already the normally quiet leafy Charlotte Square Gardens are being transformed.
There are so many great authors to go and listen to, events for all ages from tiny tots to teens their parents, and grandparents, those who are interested in travel, politics, fantasy and almost anything that might appear between the cover of a book.
One of the things that makes it such an enjoyable experience is the people you meet. All kinds of people from all over the world, all talking about books, about reading them, writing them and the effect they have on the world.
It is a lot of fun so I thought I would share a few photos I have taken at the Edbookfest in the past few years.
I love to catch up with other writers such as Edinburgh YA novelist Cat Clarke. This is us sitting outside the author’s yurt, a Green Room like no other!

At the bookshop tent for a signing after my Writing for Children workshop event. Almost time for a coffee I think!

Chatting to authors Jo Nadin and Liz Kessler just before their event, with Julie Gamble from Blackwells Bookshop in the background

Kate Harrison, Teresa Flavin, Jane McLoughlin and Elizabeth Wein at the Teen Titles Party, during the Edbookfest
The Teen Titles party is held each year and is a chance for teen reviewers from Edinburgh Schools, who write for the review magazine are invited to meet some of the YA authors who are appearing at the Edbookfest.